Welcome to our weekly meet-up and open call for the best fiction of the week!
Fiction Accepted:
Only fiction shared between November 16th - November 22nd on Substack!
This open call will be available: NOW until 9pm EST on Saturday, November 23rd.
Self-promotion of your fiction is welcome!
Leave a link of the story in the comments. Please say the GENRE as well (if applicable).
Submit as many as you want, so long as they were written and shared during the window mentioned above.
Copy/Paste in Comments Section. Anyone who does not use the template will be passed over for selection.
Story Title: Writer: [Substack Name] Genre: [See NOTE below] Type: [Choose 1: Poetry, Micro/Flash Fiction, Short Story, Short Serial, or Serial] URL: [Must be a Substack URL] Note: If you’d like to say a little something about your recommendation/self-promotion for anyone who happens upon this comments section in search of something new to read.
Genre can often be difficult to pin down or explain. And, if given the opportunity, we’d likely choose 3+ genres to try and explain our story but that can easily cause confusion for readers. So, I urge, nay INSIST, you only list ONE genre for your story. Using a “/” or “-” does not count as ONE genre and will be passed over for consideration. Some key exceptions are Sci-Fi, Cli-Fi, Spec-Fic, & Lit-Fic.
List of Popular Genre Fiction: Science-Fiction OR Sci-Fi / Literary Fiction OR Lit-Fic / Speculative Fiction OR Spec-Fic / Climate Fiction OR Cli-FI / Fantasy / Horror / Thriller / Romance / Historical / Mystery / Comedy / Folklore / Dystopian / Young Adult
This list is in no way “complete.” For instance, you may choose “Crime” in place of Mystery or “Suspense” in place of Thriller. There are hundreds of genres to choose from. A good source of research, if your story does not fit into one of the above commonly used fiction genres is this page.
Feel free to include “extra genres” in the Note area where you can say whatever you want about your story.
Look for our email on Monday, November 25th where the Top In Fiction list will appear in your inbox! You never know what new gems you’ll discover. All we ask in return is that you share Top In Fiction to your email list and Restack the post on Monday in Substack Notes.
Note: This piece came from a stream of consciousness workshop hosted by Edith Bow and was inspired by a 3 word prompt from Emil Ottoman - Immolate Damnation Disinherit. It is my most popular post so far, apart from the photo of me trapped under a cat.
Note: This week, these 3 pieces (Days 95, 96, and 97) work together as a whole. They are a flashback to when the two protagonists were young, together. Please consider them as a whole, if possible. If not, please consider the first (Day 95). Thank you.
Note: I'm posting the first novel in my published Restless Spirits series here on Substack in serialized form, free to read for everyone. A routine ghost hunt goes awry when the paranormal investigator wakes up to find she's become one of the ghosts, with no memory of how she died.
Note: This is Chapter 13 of Book 2 “A River Trembles” in The Môrdreigiau Chronicles and so throws you right into the middle of the action … of one of those dreadful meetings where nobody can stick to the agenda.
Note: My previous novels have been printed in conventional ways. I am releasing "Mother" exclusively on Substack. I post twice a week. I've posted the first two chapters as teasers for all subscribers. The postings of Nov 17 & 20 each have one of the previously posted teaser chapters above the paywall line and the new "Paid Subscribers Only Content" below the paywall line. Perhaps I'm not Charles Dickens and perhaps "Thy Mother Is A Lioness" isn't the "Pickwick Papers" but after grossing $0.27 per copy on the last novel I published I gotta' try
Note: The car is real. I once owned it in my early days as a driver. It was the best car I have ever owned. If I had been as successful as the driver in this piece of fiction I would have been ecstatic.
I happened upon Flash Fiction unexpectedly and found that I enjoy writing it. I also write story stacks, poetry, short stories and, on occasion. novels and musicals for kids. Come on over and check out my other writings at https://billferguson.substack.com/
Note: This is the Prelude to my new Young Adult Fantasy that's based in the myth, magic & lore of the Mexica, in the Valley of Mexico, 100 yrs. before Cortez. Debuting next month in Northside Denver.
Notes: If I could put this under two genres it would also be classified here as a romance, but I can't so that's why I'm only saying so in the notes. The story draws on Beauty and the Beast, not a retelling, but a point of reference.
Note: This is from a series of poems where each revolves around an anonymous person's answers to the questions: "What is your greatest love right now?" and "What is your greatest fear right now?" This person's love was to help others, and their greatest fear was ending up alone.
Note: It is a simple romantic short story based in Calcutta, India that will make you grin while the people will look at you suspiciously over the table.
Story Title: And They Shall Know Me
Writer: Nick Winney - The Why and the Why Not
Genre: Horror
Type: Short Story
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/nickwinney/p/and-they-shall-know-me?r=2fhpll&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
Note: This piece came from a stream of consciousness workshop hosted by Edith Bow and was inspired by a 3 word prompt from Emil Ottoman - Immolate Damnation Disinherit. It is my most popular post so far, apart from the photo of me trapped under a cat.
Story Title: Second Branch of the Old Root Tree
Writer: Keith Long of Loser’s Fiction
Genre: Horror
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/losersflashfiction/p/second-branch-of-the-old-root-tree?r=3517l8&utm_medium=ios
Note: a history inspired horror anthology, each entry taking place about 100 years apart but at the same tree.
this is peach, a peach from a tree of damnation
Story Title: Do Not Blame Me
Writer: Bryan Russell
Genre: Post-apocalypse
Type: Micro-fiction
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/bryan458/p/do-not-blame-me?r=11vroc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
Note: This is a future that we all avoided. Be thankful!
Story Title: The Morning I Awoke Inside a Stranger's Head
Writer: Tracy
Genre: Sci-Fi
Type: Short Story
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/wyrdplay/p/the-morning-i-awoke-inside-a-strangers?r=1m0hyj&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true
Note: This was written during 16-22 Nov but is not due to post until Sunday, 24 Nov.
Story Title: Triumph of the Giblet
Writer: Dyce Anferné
Genre: Speculative
Type: Serial
URL: https://dyce.substack.com/p/triumph-of-the-giblet
Note: Please buy my product.
Story Title: #97
Writer: Jack Nagy
Genre: Literary Fiction
Type: Flash Fiction
URL: https://jacknagy.substack.com/p/94a
Note: A story within an equally fictional meta-commentary on writing.
Story Title: #96
Writer: Jack Nagy
Genre: Literary Fiction
Type: Flash Fiction
URL: https://jacknagy.substack.com/p/7c5
Note: Character profile of a man struggling to reconcile his lack of artistic development.
Story Title: Centenary, 100-word stories from Living Well Towers
Writer: Andrew Horan
Genre: Literary Fiction
Type: Serial
URL: https://centenary.substack.com/p/day-95-eli-and-anne
Note: This week, these 3 pieces (Days 95, 96, and 97) work together as a whole. They are a flashback to when the two protagonists were young, together. Please consider them as a whole, if possible. If not, please consider the first (Day 95). Thank you.
Story Title: Hanging Gardens
Writer: Oscar Ruto Chemelil of Oscar Ruto
Genre: Literary Fiction
Type: Short Story
Note: Why do you refuse to look at the walls?
Story Title: The Email
Writer: Rostislava Pankova-Karadjova/Airings
Genre: Literary fiction
Type: Flash Fiction
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/rostislava/p/the-email?r=zcxsb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Story Title: All of Them
Writer: Karina Wilson (The Haunted Path)
Genre: Horror
Type: Short Story
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/karinawilson/p/all-of-them-sneaky-flash-fiction
Note: This was written in response to the Fictionista's November prompt and concerns a moment of epiphany over a sink of dirty dishes
Story Title: Restless Spirits
Writer: Jean Marie Bauhaus (Through a Glass, Darkly)
Genre: Paranormal thriller
Type: Serial
URL: https://jeanmariebauhaus.substack.com/p/restless-spirits-chapters-1-and-2
Note: I'm posting the first novel in my published Restless Spirits series here on Substack in serialized form, free to read for everyone. A routine ghost hunt goes awry when the paranormal investigator wakes up to find she's become one of the ghosts, with no memory of how she died.
Story Title: Found Family
Writer: The Journal of Ashe
Genre: Literary Fiction
Type: Microfiction
URL: https://thejournalofashe.substack.com/p/found-family?utm_source=substack&utm_content=feed%3Arecommended%3Acopy_link
Story Title: 13: It Has Pockets
Writer: The Môrdreigiau Chronicles
Genre: Fantasy
Type: Serial
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/projectstarfish/p/13-it-has-pockets?r=1mk6at&utm_medium=ios
Note: This is Chapter 13 of Book 2 “A River Trembles” in The Môrdreigiau Chronicles and so throws you right into the middle of the action … of one of those dreadful meetings where nobody can stick to the agenda.
Story Title: 15. Johannesburg, 1991 - Reunion
Writer: Sue Meredith Mann | On the Road to Jericho
Genre: Literary Fiction
Type: Serial
URL: https://ontheroadtojericho.substack.com/p/14-underberg-1990-sanctuary
Note: A surprise invitation intrigues Eleanor. But in the midst of a party lies a truth she wasn’t prepared for.
Story Title: 14. Underberg, 1990 - Sanctuary
Writer: Sue Meredith Mann | On the Road to Jericho
Genre: Literary Fiction
Type: Serial
URL: https://ontheroadtojericho.substack.com/p/14-underberg-1990-sanctuary
Note: Where the peaks spear the sky and the river carves the land: this is Elle's sanctuary. The world is alright, she is alright. For now.
Story Title: Dream Painter
Writer: Camera Tenebris, Jude Klinger
Genre: Horror
Type: Flash Ficion
URL: https://cameratenebris.substack.com/p/dream-painter?r=280nx1
Note: Mamu sees your dreams and paints them for a price. Not everyone likes competition.
Story Title: Thy Mother Is A Lioness
Writer: Sam Foster
Genre: Historic
Type: Serial
Substack URL: https://samfoster.substack.com
Note: My previous novels have been printed in conventional ways. I am releasing "Mother" exclusively on Substack. I post twice a week. I've posted the first two chapters as teasers for all subscribers. The postings of Nov 17 & 20 each have one of the previously posted teaser chapters above the paywall line and the new "Paid Subscribers Only Content" below the paywall line. Perhaps I'm not Charles Dickens and perhaps "Thy Mother Is A Lioness" isn't the "Pickwick Papers" but after grossing $0.27 per copy on the last novel I published I gotta' try
Story Title: The Mustang Mach 1: A Hundred Word Story
Writer: Bill Ferguson
Genre: Lit-Fic
Type: Micro/Flash Fiction
URL: https://billferguson.substack.com/p/the-mustang-mach-1-a-hundred-word
Note: The car is real. I once owned it in my early days as a driver. It was the best car I have ever owned. If I had been as successful as the driver in this piece of fiction I would have been ecstatic.
I happened upon Flash Fiction unexpectedly and found that I enjoy writing it. I also write story stacks, poetry, short stories and, on occasion. novels and musicals for kids. Come on over and check out my other writings at https://billferguson.substack.com/
Story title: The Library of Lives
Writer: FranB
Genre: Science fiction
Type: Short story
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/francesbrindle/p/the-library-of-lives?r=j0ch2&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Note: In a multiverse of lives, which one would you choose?
Story Title: On Transience Writer: Hannah S. (@howlingfantod) Genre: Literary Fiction Type: Flash Fiction URL: https://substack.com/inbox/post/151729405 Note: You’re at the DMV
Story Title: Why Teach? - chapter 4
Writer: Peter Shull - lower midlist
Genre: literary fiction
Type: serial
URL: https://pshull.substack.com/p/why-teach-chapter-4
Note: It's the weekend, and William is outside his classroom again. It's time for some seediness, squalor, and awkward run-ins with students!
by Douglas BRUTON
Literary Fiction
Flash fiction
Slightly offbeat, almost magical realism, deeply moving. I could have picked any of Douglas's stories, they're all good.
Writer: Making It Up As I Go Alone
Genre: Lit-Fic
Type: Micro/Flash Fiction
URL: https://substack.com/home/post/p-151553751
Note: A quick trip about the way we see things, or not.
Story Title: The Obsidian Princess & the Grandest Gardener
Writer: Rudy Ch Garcia
Genre: Historical Fiction
Type: Novella
URL: https://substack.com/profile/226700534-rudy-ch-garcia/note/c-78370512
Note: This is the Prelude to my new Young Adult Fantasy that's based in the myth, magic & lore of the Mexica, in the Valley of Mexico, 100 yrs. before Cortez. Debuting next month in Northside Denver.
Thx for the Likes
Story Title: Krampus
Writer: Nancy Waddell
Genre: Horror
Type: Mini Serial Short Story
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/nancywaddell/p/krampus?r=1qpj5d&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web
Note: The children of a village in Eastern Europe must play the annual Krampus game.
Story Title: A Marriage of Body and Soul
Writer: William F. Edwards
Genre: Fantasy
URL: https://warthogreport.substack.com/p/a-marriage-of-body-and-soul
Notes: If I could put this under two genres it would also be classified here as a romance, but I can't so that's why I'm only saying so in the notes. The story draws on Beauty and the Beast, not a retelling, but a point of reference.
Story Title: What's a Dragon? - Chapter 20
Writer: Dragon Writer Luc
Genre: Fantasy
Type: Serial
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/dragonwriterluc/p/whats-a-dragon-chapter-20
Note: We know things but it's time to start telling other people.
Story Title: Tidal Volume
Writer: The Obsolete Man
Genre: Literary Fiction
Type: Serial
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/theobsoleteman/p/tidal-volume?r=ohdic&utm_medium=ios
Note: Things keep getting worse for a man whose job is to make things worse for others.
Story Title: Queen in the Cradle
Writer: Scott MacLeod/Son of Ugly
Genre: Comedy
Type: Flash Fiction
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/sonofugly/p/queen-in-the-cradle?r=2sz29p&utm_medium=ios
Note: Like father, like daughter
Story Title: Thicker Than Coffee
Writer: Scott MacLeod/Son of Ugly
Genre: Noir
Type: Flash Fiction
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/sonofugly/p/thicker-than-coffee?r=2sz29p&utm_medium=ios
Note: Last supper becomes unexpected reunion
Story Title: Dinny Gets Dinged
Author: David Perlmutter
Genre: Urban Fantasy
Type: Short Story
URL: https://davidperlmutter.substack.com/p/dinny-gets-dinged
Story Title: The Lonesome Shadow
Writer: Hasse
Genre: Parable
Type: Poetry
URL: https://heartsontheline.substack.com/p/the-lonesome-shadow
Note: This is from a series of poems where each revolves around an anonymous person's answers to the questions: "What is your greatest love right now?" and "What is your greatest fear right now?" This person's love was to help others, and their greatest fear was ending up alone.
Story Title: More Protein: Tea time with Argul Zetropole Writer: Irshaad Genre: Absurd Humor Type: Flash Fiction URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/unfinishedspeedwriting/p/more-protein?r=2qufyf&utm_medium=ios Note: All he wanted was a cup of tea and a slice of toast...
Story Title: A lazy afternoon, a lost bet and a little love
Writer: The Indian Story by Isha Jain
Genre: Romance
Type: Short Story
URL: https://theindianstory.substack.com/p/a-lazy-afternoon-a-lost-bet-and-a
Note: It is a simple romantic short story based in Calcutta, India that will make you grin while the people will look at you suspiciously over the table.