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Story Title: Lemmings

Writer: Mitchell Todorov

Publication Name: The Deer Run Hollow Files

Genre: Spec-Fic

Category: Serial

URL: https://thedeerrunhollowfiles.substack.com/p/lemmings

Extra: Wiley botches a bike theft, has bizarre bar encounters, and breaks into his family house to reclaim the past, only to engage in a vicious battle with his stepfather. Meanwhile, Eddie, fed up with his urban life, reluctantly answers Wiley's urgent request and prepares to depart the city to find the elusive off the grid paradise in northern Ontario.

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Story: Jumping With Janus

Writer: Jon T

Pub Name - Ferns of Columbo

Genre - Speculative Fiction

Cat: short Story


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Story Title: Entangled

Writer: S M Garratt

Publication Name: The Oort Cloud

Genre: Spec-Fic

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://theoortcloud.substack.com/s/limited-series

Extra: When confronted with the tragic news of her partner's imminent death, two lovers agree to undertake a controversial treatment where their consciences are Entangled. The story explores themes of identity. Sexuality and the individual and how love is a quantum state of mind beyond science's understanding.

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Story Title: The Church Bells Ring in the Early Morning

Writer: Adriaan Odendaal

Publication Name: Now Maybe Later

Genre: Cli-fi

Category: Micro/Flash Fiction

URL: https://todaymaybetomorrowtoo.substack.com/p/the-church-bells-ring-in-the-early

Extra: Observations of a wintry Sunday morning from the heights of an apartment block balcony. Why are the magpies behaving so oddly, and why are the church bells still ringing?

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Story Title: Dust

Writer: Nuno Pinto

Publication Name: Nuno's Substack

Genre: Poetry

Category: Couldn't tell you

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/pinton/p/dust?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=pn26y

Extra: what does it mean to be made from dust?

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Writer: Maximilian P Siddell

Publication Name: Mythscape

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial


Extra: Your brother made whole.

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Story Title: Our Brother of the Wind

Writer: Maximilian P Siddell

Publication Name: A Stream of Counsciousness

Genre: Poetry

Category: Poetry

URL: https://mpsiddell.substack.com/p/our-brother-of-the-wind

Extra: Honouring the wind.

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Story Title: Mountains of salt

Writer: Oscar Ruto Chemelil

Publication name: Oscar Ruto

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Short Story


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Story Title: You Are Happy.

Writer: Paul Imgrund

Publication Name: I've thought of an inciting incident for my book

Genre: Speculative fiction

Category: Micro/Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/paulimgrund/p/you-are-happy?r=1tl7mn&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: An experiment in 2nd person present tense that shows your reaction to the truth of our time.

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Story Title: The Soulmates

Writer: Chris J. Franklin

Publication Name: Tales of the Zeitgeist

Genre: Romance

Category: Micro/Flash Fiction

URL: https://chrisjfranklin.substack.com/p/the-soulmates

Extra: I'm trying something new this week. This one is a quick romantic story, with some accompanying music. It's Fiction, with a soundtrack! Have a great weekend... 🎶🎸😎🎸🎶

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Story Title: Gaius And The Crescent Moon

Writer: Jim Minns

Publication Name: Reality Dispatch

Genre: Lit-Fic

Category: Short Story

URL: https://jimminns.substack.com/p/gaius-and-the-crescent-moon

Extra: A Roman soldier who gambles for Christ’s robe is thrust into a vision of time’s unraveling, where a divine force commands him to abandon war and forever be bound to perform the truth through art.

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Story Title: "Being alive feels pretty cool today"

Writer: Jim Minns

Publication Name: Reality Dispatch

Genre: Historical fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://jimminns.substack.com/p/being-alive-feels-pretty-cool-today

Extra: A grieving snowboarder and a jaded journalist, forced into an uneasy companionship on a turbulent flight, find unexpected connection and catharsis when their plane crashes on an icy Toronto runway.

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Story Title: Episode 8: Things That Are Known, And Things That Are Unknown

Writer: Chris Lynch

Publication Name: The Amazing Adventures of Tortoise & Gecko

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial



Extra: …

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Story Title: Looking down

Writer: Rostislava Pankova-Karadjova

Publication Name: Airings

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/rostislava/p/looking-down?r=zcxsb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: A story about the invisible - things and people too.

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Story Title: Guarding You

Writer: Kimberly Kisner

Publication Name: Kimberly's Writing Fiction with the Door Open

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Micro/Flash Fiction

URL: https://writingwiththedooropen.substack.com/p/guarding-you

Extra: Sometimes being a bodyguard means prowling across rooftops and fighting doom witches; sometimes it means holding her hand.

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Story Title: The Exhibitionist

Writer: Blace Alcock

Publication Name: Blace Alcock

Genre: Literary fiction

Category: Micro Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/blacealcock/p/the-exhibitionist?r=3vpd6z&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Extra: Art is just entertainment now, vapid and distant

Story Title: Black Mass

Writer: Blace Alcock

Publication Name: Blace Alcock

Genre: Poetry

Category: Free Verse

URL: https://blacealcock.substack.com/p/black-mass?r=3vpd6z

Extra: An ode to a sacrilegious ritual

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Story Title: Je m'appelle toi

Writer: James Worth

Publication Name: Just Wonderin'

Genre: Horror

Category: Short story

URL: https://jworth.substack.com/p/je-mapelle-toi

Extra: Why would you like to know yourself closer?

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Story Title: Honesty: Nothing More, Nothing Less

Writer: ZK Hardy

Publication Name: Inkdrift: Rainbow Station

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Serial

URL: https://inkdrift.substack.com/p/honesty-nothing-more-nothing-less

Extra: Next chapter in a cozy, sci-fi story about the building of a space station. Leah has been able to deal with curious cops, an ancient (and illegal) AI, and the sundry issues that come with fixing up an old, derelict space ship. But it's time to come clean and explain what's happened over the last couple of centuries.

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Story Title: Why Teach? - chapter 18

Writer: Peter Shull

Publication Name: lower midlist

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Serialized Novel

URL: https://pshull.substack.com/p/why-teach-chapter-18?r=2ler3z

Extra: Teaching Othello doesn't go so well as William has imagined it will. Not so well at all... [preorder for the Kindle edition is now available!]

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Story Title: A new Mother

Writer: A.M. Ward

Publication Name: Heaven and Earth: The Heshra Chronicles

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://byamward.substack.com/p/15-a-new-mother

Extra: Azayan hunts the sacred lynx and becomes the new Mother of her people. Meanwhile, Rahn is done with people and seeks the company of goats.

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Poem Title: I find out that social anxiety exists in heaven

Writer: Gabby

Publication Name: Tinfoil Diaries

Genre: Poetry

URL: https://tinfoildiaries.substack.com/p/i-find-out-that-social-anxiety-exists

Extra: An existential & comedic poem on the human plague that is social anxiety and its lingering impact in the afterlife.

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Story Title: Chuckaboo

Writer: Nancy Waddell

Pub Name: Nancy Waddell

Genre: Sci-Fi

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/nancywaddell/p/chuckaboo?r=1qpj5d&utm_medium=ios

Extra: Thus story touches on the ongoing theme, what is real? Has technology eroded reality or enhanced it for us?

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I have a few recommendations and a self recommendation!

Story title: You're to Blame

Writer: Maryellen Brady

Genre: Fiction

Category: flash fiction



Story title: Viking Funeral

Writer: Morgan Sperry

Genre: Fiction

Category: Poetry



Story title: The Flames of Redemption

Writer: Bradley Ramsey

Genre: Fiction

Category: Serial



Story title: In the Wakefulness

Writer: Annieguile Bentulan

Genre: Fiction

Category: Flash Fiction



Story title: Turn Back the Clock

Writer: Mina Howell

Genre: Fiction

Category: Flash Fiction



Story title: Am I Too Much

Writer: Hazel Allen

Genre: Fiction

Category: Poetry



Story title: The Painted Veil

Writer: T.P. Kaaos


Genre: Fiction

Category: Flash Fiction



I couldn't choose between these two

Story title: Drowning in the Quiet

Writer: T.P. Kaaos

Genre: Fiction

Category: Flash Fiction



Sorry this is so long! Just so many good stories to share! The world needs to see these wondrous creations!

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Story Title: The Potential Well

Writer: Blueshift

Publication Name: Infuriatingly unfinished stories (and some finished ones?)

Genre: (Absurd) Science Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/nothingpretentious/p/the-potential-well?r=xk5v7&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Extra: A person falls down a well and starts hallucinating. Math ensues.

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Title: Chapter VIII (of Swells Over Still Waters)

Writer: Keith Long

Publication: Loser’s Fiction

Genre: fantasy

Category: serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/losersflashfiction/p/chapter-viii?r=3517l8&utm_medium=ios

Notes: includes audiobook by the author

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Story Title: MYRTLE DEANE ( in 2 parts )

Writer: Sharron Bassano

Publication Name: 🌿LEAVES

Genre: Literary fiction

Category:Flash Fiction (4 minutes)

URL: https://sharronbassano.substack.com/p/copy-myrtle-deane


Myrtle rejects her husband and rejects Kansas

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Story Title: Deepwish

Writer: A.P. Murphy

Publication Name: The Strangeness Kit

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://thestrangenesskit.substack.com/p/deepwish

Extra: Moby-Dick from the whale's POV. That's it.

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Story Title: The Flood of Andrei

Writer: Terry A. Fries

Publication Name: Thin Air Fiction

Genre: fantasy

Category: Short story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/terryfries/p/the-flood-of-andrei?r=1uaih4&utm_medium=ios

Extra: The lost clans come out of hiding to save people from the Prophet.

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Story Title: The Fire Burns in Sadness

Writer: Egor Korneev

Publication Name: Blue Planet Stories

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://www.blueplanetstories.com/p/the-fire-burns-in-sadness?r=34ufld (Substack URL)

Extra: Two former friends face old trauma and conflict while fighting a wildfire in the Mission Mountains of Montana.

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Story Title: The Trip to Katie's Party

Writer: John Cardamone

Publication Name: Postcard Inkblot

Genre: Lit-Fic

Category: Short Story

URL: https://postcardinkblot.substack.com/p/the-trip-to-katies-party

Extra: A married couple goes to a family function. (It's not as boring as it sounds.)

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Story Title: Whisky Demon

Writer: Aurelius Thaddeus Ashmore

Publication Name: Tales of Grit and Sin

Genre: (Psychological) Horror

Category: Short Story

URL: https://talesofgritandsin.substack.com/p/whisky-demon

Extra: Frank drinks his last bottle. A story about the cruelty of addiction and the abyss that lurks in the depths of whisky.

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Story Title: Steel Flowers

Writer: Tai An Zhou

Publication Name: Tomato of Justice

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Short story

URL: https://taianzhou.substack.com/p/steel-flowers

Extra: All Lily knows are missions, flowers and blades. Is there more to her life? Can she even ask that question?

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Story Title: The X (Formerly Known as REDACTED) Files

Writer: Nocturnal Narrator

Publication Name: Nocturnal Narrator

Genre: SpecFic

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://nocturnalnarrator.substack.com/s/the-x-formerly-known-as-redacted

Extra: A dystopian series exploring the dark intersections of power, technology, and control. The X (Formerly Known as REDACTED) Files peels back the layers of a world where the future belongs to the highest bidder. Think X Files meets Black Mirror meets Twilight Zone.

Story Title: The Grief Assignment

Writer: Nocturnal Narrator

Publication Name: Nocturnal Narrator

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://nocturnalnarrator.substack.com/p/the-grief-assignment

Extra: A poetic meditation on existence and loss. The Grief Assignment is a quiet but powerful reckoning with what it means to be remembered.

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Story Title: “Skyline” (Part 2)

Writer: Michael Arturo

Publication Name: Michael Arturo

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://michaelarturo.substack.com/p/skyline-part-2

Extra: In this second chapter of a four-part journey, Solomon’s a shadow slipping through Elliot Van Alen’s high-rise world—whiskey, Coltrane, and cryptic smiles pulling the architect closer to a city he’s only ever seen from above.

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Story Title: And so could anyone

Writer: Hamish Kavanagh

Publication Name: The Sudden Walk

Genre: Horror

Category: Short Story.

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/hamishkavanagh/p/and-so-could-anyone-a-short-story?r=yo86p&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Mike invites a troubled ex girlfriend to spend Christmas with he and he's fiancé. This ex-girlfriend brings a gift with her. That gift is a human child. A human child that doesn't belong to her.

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Story Title: Black Magic

Writer: Gerard DiLeo

Publication Name: The FRICTION SECTION

Genre: Fiction

Category: Microfiction

URL: https://gmdileo.substack.com/p/black-magic

Extra: Predators and prey. And praying.

Story Title: All Good Things Must End

Writer: Gerard DiLeo

Publication Name: The FRICTION SECTION

Genre: Fiction

Category: Microfiction

URL: https://gmdileo.substack.com/p/all-good-things-must-come-to-an-end

Extra: The Sweet Life!

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Story Title: Riding The Wind

Writer: DW Dixon

Publication Name: The Steam Stack

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Serial

URL: https://dwdixon.substack.com/p/riding-the-wind?r=3onfnc

Extra: A young boy discovers his passion for innovation

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Story Title: The Game

Writer: DW Dixon

Publication Name: The Steam Stack

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Serial

URL: https://dwdixon.substack.com/p/the-game?r=3onfnc

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Story Title: We Are Stars

Writer: Mark Jarret

Publication Name: DarkLight

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/mjporter/p/20-people-are-like-stars?r=1ujboa&utm_medium=ios

Extra: A child making shadow puppets realises their story is hidden in starlight.

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Story Title: The Jeans Store

Writer: Jonathan Foster

Publication Name: Jonathan Foster's The Crow

Genre: LIT-FIC

Category: Short Story

URL: https://jonathanfostersthecrow.substack.com/p/the-jeans-store

Extra: A little rollercoaster of story that tackles the highs and lows of this strange dream-like existence and finds a way out of this our socially enforced practice of atomised separateness.

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Story Title: The Wicked Among Us

Writer: Jack Croxall

Publication Name: The Jack Croxall Newsletter

Genre: Horror

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://jackcroxall.substack.com/p/interactive-story-the-wicked-among-72d

Extra: You voted, now see who lives or dies in the final part of this interactive story!

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Hey! I'd like to recommend one I read today that made an impression on me.

Story Title: Grey Goo Of The Self

Writer: Ashley T.K.

Publication Name: Ashley T.K.

Genre: Horror

Category: Short story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/atkthegroovyking/p/grey-goo-of-the-self?r=1k4ty7&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Extra: A body-horror with emotional depth (my words, not the author's)

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A Collaboration of art and poetry

Title: Welcome to the Void

Writer: S.L. Stallings

Publication Name: For Art's Sake!

Genre: Poetry

Category: Free Verse

URL: https://sharonart.substack.com/p/welcome-to-the-abyss

Extra: This is a collaboration with Zora Leigh (Wildflower) Her piece features her words and my art. https://zoraleigh.substack.com/p/waiting

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Recommending another Stacker, let me know if not allowed. . .

Story Title: What Lives in the Static Part 4

Writer: Dev Henry

Publication Name: What Lives in the Static

Genre: Speculative Fiction

Type: Serial

URL: https://whatlivesinthestatic.substack.com/p/what-lives-in-the-static-part-4

Note: A woman happens upon strange happenings at an abandoned military base.


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Recommending another Stacker, let me know if not allowed. . .

Story Title: What Lives in the Static Part 4

Writer: Dev Henry

Publication Name: What Lives in the Static

Genre: Speculative Fiction

Type: Serial

URL: https://whatlivesinthestatic.substack.com/p/what-lives-in-the-static-part-4

Note: A woman happens upon strange happenings at an abandoned military base.


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We love recommending others! Please do!

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Story Title: What's a Dragon? Chapter 33 - Of Legends

Writer: Dragon Writer Luc

Publication Name: The Dragons' Den

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/dragonwriterluc/p/whats-a-dragon-chapter-33

Extra: It's finally time to check out what was probably the most fun chapter to write!

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Story Title: Love Bomb

Writer: Scott MacLeod

Publication Name: Son of Ugly

Genre: Noir

Type: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/sonofugly/p/love-bomb?r=2sz29p&utm_medium=ios

Note: NYC Valentine’s Day detective story



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Story Title: Melmoth

Writer: Bence Ádók

Publication Name: The Great Beyond

Genre: literary fiction

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/benceadok/p/melmoth?r=4ghqkq&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: Men Are Dogs of God and Dogs Are Men of God, He Who Wanders Bound To Eternity Will See The Light Fade And The Dark World Shriek Again In Rebirth

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Story Title: Jerusalem, 1997 - Occupations of the heart

Writer: Sue Meredith Mann

Publication Name: On the Road to Jericho

Genre: literary fiction

Category: serial

URL: https://ontheroadtojericho.substack.com/p/41-jerusalem-1997-occupations-of

Extra: Faith meets reality. The "Holy Land" defies easy answers

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Story Title: Jerusalem, 1997 - Another door opens

Writer: Sue Meredith Mann

Publication Name: On the Road to Jericho

Genre: literary fiction

Category: serial

URL: https://ontheroadtojericho.substack.com/p/40-jerusalem-1997-another-door-opens

Extra: Once again, Eleanor is captivated. But Jerusalem is very different to Cairo. And she's been warned to be careful this time…

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