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Story Title: The way out

Writer: Ken Flyingheart

Publication Name: Echoes From the Well

Genre: Horror

Category: Short story

URL: https://kenflyingheart1.substack.com/p/the-way-out

Extra: A story about a man at the end of his rope. Gritty with a hint of noir.

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Story Title: Sleep, Dearie, Sleep - Episode One

Writer: Jean Marie Bauhaus

Publication Name: Through a Glass, Darkly

Genre: Horror

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://jeanmariebauhaus.substack.com/p/sleep-dearie-sleep-episode-one

Extra: Sleep, Dearie, Sleep is a historical epistolary horror in which the Enlightenment's modernity and reason are confounded by ancient, forgotten forces -- forces that demand their due as the price of progress.

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Story Title: Names

Writer: Bri Heron

Publication Name: Writing on a Whim

Genre: Thriller

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://briheron.substack.com/p/names

Extra: A man meets several women and describes his interactions with them.

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Story Title: Infinite Ink

Writer: P.Q. Rubin

Publication Name: Prompting Culture

Genre: Sci-Fi maybe?

Category: Short Story

URL: https://promptingculture.substack.com/p/infinite-ink

Extra: In a world where stories are the fabric of reality, a magical typewriter is used to rewrite existence.

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I'm not actually sure if you allow AI assisted writing. Please disregard if you don't. (I see guidelines being mentioned, I see no clickable link)

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Story Title: Last Night

Writer: Daniel O'Donnell

Publication Name: Dans Deliberations

Genre: Horror

Category: Micro Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/danielodonnell/p/last-night?r=2bfxud&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: Why nightmares aren't the worst thing to happen in the dark

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Story Title: Dust-spectives 1: A Day In a Life in Ferina Toridor

Writer: Allura Shadley

Publication Name: The Dust Realm Narratives

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Short Story

URL: https://allurashadley.substack.com/p/dust-spectives-1

Extra: The account of a forest gnome and the mystery of her anguished heart.

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Story Title: The End and the Beginning

Writer: Justin Deming

Publication Name: Along the Hudson

Genre: Speculative

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://alongthehudson.substack.com/p/the-end-and-the-beginning

Extra: The narrator experiences the world ending and its rebirth.

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Title: Hunger Games, Re-Imagined

Writer: Tracy

Publication: wyrdplay

Genre: Horror

Category: poetry

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/wyrdplay/p/hunger-games-re-imagined?r=1m0hyj&utm_medium=ios

Summary: The quest to please others at any cost will take its toll. There are those who ask much of creators…and the transaction is not always a symbiotic relationship.

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Story Title: Part 3

Writer: David Canning-England

Publication Name: David Canning-England

Genre: Horror

Category: Serial

URL: https://substack.com/@davidcanningengland/note/p-154567159?r=52djs3

Extra: This is part 3 of my horror/fantasy Serial. Catch part 2 in TIF honourable mentions 2 weeks ago!

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Story Title: Day Twelve

Writer: John Coon

Publication Name: Strange New Worlds

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/newworlds/p/day-twelve

Extra: A fictional AP-style news article details the arrest of three federal government officials who secretly assisted aliens in executing a deadly attack on the United States.

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Story Title: Anything for a Bonus

Writer: C.P. Night

Publication Name: C.P. Night’s Myriadu

Genre: Sci-fi

Category: Short story

URL: https://cpnight.substack.com/p/friday-funwrite-flea-market

Extra: Deep in an ancient space station a little Pegasus sings 😜.

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Story Title: Shelbourne & Mattingly

Writer: Suzanne Boggs Feinstein

Publication Name: Patchwork Fiction: Southern Tales

Genre: Contemporary Fiction

Category: Serial

URL: https://suzanneboggsfeinstein.substack.com/p/shelbourne-and-mattingly

Extra: Part 1 of a Kentucky novelette about two bourbon heirs who'd rather serve tea and paint Civil War ghosts than follow the family playbook. A story of childhood friends, impossible choices, and the kind of love that makes you brave enough to be exactly who you are. New chapters every Saturday.

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Story Title: The map is not the terrain

Writer: Oscar Ruto

Publication Name: Oscar Ruto

Genre: Prose Poetry

Category: Poetry


Extra: Looking at loss.

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Story: Unrelated

Writer: Oscar Ruto Chemelil

Publication Name: Oscar Ruto

Genre: Prose Poetry

Category: Poetry


Extra: Addiction is...

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Story Title: Rainspell

Writer: Michael Arturo

Publication Name: Michael Arturo

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://michaelarturo.substack.com/p/rainspell

Extra: As the rain washes over the city, Lena reconciles loss, love, and resilience, discovering that New York doesn’t just hold stories—it shapes the storytellers.

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Story Title: The Hunt - A Turk Tompkins Travelogue

Writer: P.K. Anthony

Publication Name: P.K. Anthony

Genre: Comedy

Category: Short Story

URL: https://pkanthonypub.substack.com/p/the-hunt-a-turk-tompkins-travelogue?r=37581s

Extra: A light sci-fi comedy romp about hunting the most elusive game of all: Yourself

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Story Title: BabyFace

Writer: Jude Klinger

Publication Name: Camera Tenebris

Genre: Noir Fiction

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://cameratenebris.substack.com/p/baby-face

Extra: Angela needs money. She owes Quint, a loan shark who keeps an actual shark to encourage payment. Joining a company that makes a remarkable cream that gives you a youthful face, she gets way in over her head when her boss Charlie winds up dead at her feet.

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Story title: Pinko Commie Superbunker (part 2 of 7)

Writer: Evelyn K. Brunswick

Publication name: In A Different Place

Genre: Sci-Fi

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/pinko-commie-superbunker-part-27?r=2s9hod

Extra: "It's kinda like a commie version of Elysium..."

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Story Title: Through the Wall

Writer: Paul Imgrund

Publication Name: I've thought of an inciting incident for my book

Genre: Literary fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://paulimgrund.substack.com/p/through-the-wall?r=1tl7mn

Extra: Jerome struggles with his new neighbors, who keep their TV at top volume 24/7. However, this conflict resurfaces painful memories of separation he does not expect.

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Story Title: The Origami Bomb

Writer: Mark Jarret

Publication Name: Tesserae Tales

Genre: Magical Realism

Category: Serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/mjporter850/p/9-the-origami-bomb?r=1ujboa&utm_medium=ios

Extra: The narrator voyages across their atlas of island rooms when they find a bomb sculpted by war.

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Story Title: Night

Writer: Rolando Andrade

Publication Name: Outside The Therapy Room

Genre: Fiction

Category: Poetry

URL: https://rolandoandrade.substack.com/p/night

Extra: What it feels like when the night invades us

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Story Title: The House

Writer: Rolando Andrade

Publication Name: Outside The Therapy Room

Genre: Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://rolandoandrade.substack.com/p/the-house

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Story Title: The Very Last Story Ever

Writer: Gerard DiLeo

Publication Name: The FRICTION SECTION

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Short Story, fable

URL: https://gmdileo.substack.com/p/the-very-last-story-ever

Extra: At the end of time, some thoughts come to mind. Whose mind?

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Story Title: Fools Like Me

Writer: [Name on Substack] Gerard DiLeo

Publication Name: The FRICTION SECTION

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://gmdileo.substack.com/p/fools-like-me

Extra: An explorer from Earth is seeking Earth 2.0, landing on a candidate planet to evaluate. There, he must address the flora and fauna that may in fact be communicating with him in an existential way.

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Story Title: At the Crossroads

Writer: Maximilian P Siddell

Publication name: A Stream of Counsciousness

Genre: Literary

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/mpsiddell/p/at-the-crossroads

Extra: Standing at the crossroads of eternity.

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Title: Long Tie

Writer: Zackary San Martin

Publication: The Literary Ledger

Genre: Lit Fic

Category: Micro Fiction

URL: https://zackarysanmartin.substack.com?r=2ftl41&utm_medium=ios&utm_source=profile

Extra: David, a man grappling with the weight of regret and the collapse of his marriage, spends a day in solitary silence and reflection.

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Writer: JLG Noga

Publication: DARKLING

Genre: Crime, literary

Type: Short Story

URL: https://cantrainallthetime.substack.com/p/counter-clockwise

Note: Bonnie and Clyde for the 21st Century. An ode to our lost past and all the things we can never get back.

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Story Title: A.M. Story

Writer: Rostislava Pankova-Karadjova

Publication Name: Airings

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Micro/Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/rostislava/p/am-story?r=zcxsb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: Facing questions in the bright light of the morning after

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Story Title: Wild Times at the Ruby Slipper (pt 1)

Writer: Chris DeWitt (Dork Mansion Dispatch)

Genre: Literary Fiction

Type: serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/dorkmansiondispatch/p/dispatch-19-wild-times-at-the-ruby?r=e4td0&utm_medium=ios

Note: Wild Times at the Ruby Slipper unfolds over decades in and around a honky tonk bar in Grainger, Texas. Three threads interweave— the rise and fall of a cosmic country band, the Wagoneers; the bandleaders’ second act, the Ruby Slipper, and the fallout when it’s forced to close; and an aspiring musician grappling with dreams deferred.

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Story Title: Winter's Promise

Writer: W.B. Foley

Publication Name: W.B. Foley poems

Genre: Nature poem

Category: poetry

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/wbfoley/p/winters-promise?r=4m5nh3&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true


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Story Title: Daughter of Fire and Blood (2)

Writer: Kathy Enriquez-Nguyen

Publication: The KATacombs

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://katartstrophy.substack.com/p/daughter-of-fire-and-blood-2

Extra: Origin story of Lilith Morningstar. She is my precious D&D character that I have poured my heart into.

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Story Title: Magical Times

Writer: W.B. Foley

Publication Name: W.B.'s Substack

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/wbfoley/p/magical-times?r=4m5nh3&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

Extra: An interaction of a mild-mannered orderly with a secret to share with those at the end of their life and a regretful past.

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Story Title: Heavenly Blue

Writer: Kerry Sutherland

Publication Name: Thinking in Capitals

Genre: science fantasy

Category: flash fiction

URL: https://thinkingincapitals.substack.com/p/heavenly-blue

Extra: These times, when we are alone together and the moon is visible, are the only ones during which I have the privacy to conjure the moonlets.

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Story Title: The Burial of Abashar (Chapter 12)

Writer: A.M. Ward

Publication Name: Heaven and Earth: The Heshra Chronicles

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://byamward.substack.com/p/12-the-burial-of-abashar

Extra: A prophecy, a fragment of song, an unknown monster... and a sudden attack. Ancient mysteries will have to wait--now it's time to fight.

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Story Title: Reverse Writing

Writer: Mark Jarret

Publication Name: Holles Street

Genre: Magical Realism

Category: Serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/m402/p/reverse-writing?r=1ujboa&utm_medium=ios

Extra: A writer revisits a thread they discovered in Doha, a thread over a thousand years old.

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Story Title: These Girls

Writer: C.S. Mee

Publication Name: The Deep

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://substack.com/@csmeewrites/p-155135221

Extra: Floating through life can feel really nice until you realize that you eventually have to hit the ground.

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Story Title: Did I lose my chance to dance.

Writer: C.S. Mee

Publication Name: The Deep

Genre: Horror

Category: Short Story

URL: https://substack.com/@csmeewrites/p-155506327

Extra: Don't forget to live life for yourself because it is guaranteed that you will run out of time.

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Story Title: Blackout

Writer: FranB

Publication: Tales at Twilight

Genre: Horror

Category: Short Story

URL: https://francesbrindle.substack.com/p/blackout

Extra: This creepy tale set in the second world war is based on a true story.

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Story Title: Fireside Revival

Writer: Josh Louis

Publication Name: Your Path to Publication

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Micro/Flash Fiction

URL: https://jlouiscreative.substack.com/p/fireside-revival-microfiction-friday

Extra: A 100-word microfiction story based on the prompt, "miracle." "Fireside Revival" tells the tale of a son who struggles to keep his ailing father alive in the dead of winter.

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Story Title: Black Pupil

Writer:Nancy Waddell

Publication Name: Nancy Waddell

Genre: Sci Fi

Category: Short Story

URL: https://nancywaddell.substack.com/p/black-pupil

Extra: Sandy has always felt different. Look into her eyes and you’ll see what she means.

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Story Title: Why Teach? - chapter 14

Writer: Peter Shull

Publication Name: lower midlist

Genre: Literary

Category: Serial Fiction

URL: https://pshull.substack.com/p/why-teach-chapter-14

Extra: In the afterglow of Christmas, William's father returns and William sees the tantalizing possibility of a different life. New Year's Eve at the club brings further conversation with Jim Morris, Jr, and end-of-year revelations.

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Story Title: A Woman Scorched

Writer: Jo Taylor

Publication Name: Characteristically Speaking

Genre: Humor

Category: Short Story

URL: https://jotaylorauthor.substack.com/p/a-woman-scorched

Extra: A wedding day gone wrong because of a groom and groomsmen treating it like any other day.

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Story Title: Savta's Claws

Writer: Elie Lichtschein

Publication Name: Hebrew Horror

Genre: Horror

Category: Short Story

URL: https://hebrewhorror.substack.com/p/savtas-claws

Extra: A Christmas horror story about a girl visiting her grandmother and watching her engage in a secret bizarre ritual.

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Story Title: Balls to the Wall

Writer: James Kenwood

Publication Name: Grim Acres

Genre: Sci-Fi

Category: Short Story

URL: https://jameskenwood.substack.com/p/balls-to-the-wall

Extra: A unlucky Marine on Mars has a close encounter with an alien fighting creature, and lives - barely - to tell the tale.

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Story Title: Episode 4: Polly Wants a Cracker

Writer: Chris Lynch

Publication Name: The Amazing Adventures of Tortoise & Gecko

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://tortoiseandgecko.substack.com/p/episode-4


The Beagle encounters the pirate ship Pegasus.

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Story Title: The Bagel Shop Incident: A Baker’s Dozen Mob 
Writer: Irshaad

Publication Name: Frantic Writing 
Genre: Literary
Category: Short story 
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/unfinishedspeedwriting/p/the-bagel-shop-incident-a-bakers?r=2qufyf&utm_medium=ios
Extra: if a Bagel Shop was run by a philosophical “soup Nazi” a la Seinfeld….

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Story Title: The Raising Up of Niccólo (Part 2)

Writer: A. A. Kostas

Publication Name: Waymarkers

Genre: Magical Realism

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://waymarkers.substack.com/p/the-raising-up-of-niccolo-part-2

Extra: Niccólo follows a mostly silent talking donkey over mountains and plains to the shores of an inland sea. There he meets and gets to know the akephaloi, a race of people with no heads and whose faces Re on their backs. His new friends show him the value of interdependence.

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Story Title: Lost

Writer: Sue Meredith Mann

Publication Name: On the Road to Jericho

Genre: Historical Fiction

Category: Serial (Installment #33)

URL: https://ontheroadtojericho.substack.com/p/33cairo-1996-lost

Extra: Brothers are separated…then reunited. Not all wounds heal as easily.

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Story Title: Ceilidhs

Writer: Sue Meredith Mann

Publication Name: On the Road to Jericho

Genre: Historical Fiction

Category: Serial (Installment #32)

URL: https://ontheroadtojericho.substack.com/p/32-cairo-1996-ceilidhs

Extra: Blissfully unaware, Eleanor is swept into an impromptu ceilidh in Cairo. And defends her honor on the streets of Cairo.

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Story Title: The Deadly, Dark Presence

Writer: Stuart Heimdal

Publication Name: Stab Unit Paranormal Case Files

Genre: Horror / Sci-Fi

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/stabunit/p/004-dark-presence-paranormal-1?utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Extra: Agent Amaral confronts an evil presence which captured his wife and son and is bent on their destruction.

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