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Story Title: Moonlight & Roses

Writer: Maryellen Brady

Publication Name: Magical Musings with MeBrady

Genre: Cozy Fantasy

Category: short story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/mebrady/p/moonlight-and-roses?r=tox79&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: This short story tells how a 16 year old Romana is welcomed into her lineage & became the carrier of her family magic.

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Story Title: Tragedy Mill

Writer: Keith Long

Publication Name: Loser’s Fiction

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/losersflashfiction/p/tragedy-mill?r=3517l8&utm_medium=ios

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Story Title: Saturnal Cancer

Writer: M.P. Fitzgerald

Publication Name: Graphomania

Genre: Cosmic Horror

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://mpfitzgerald.substack.com/p/saturnal-cancer

Extra: From the Stream of Consciousness POV Workshop run by Edith Boy (https://streamofconsciousnesspov.substack.com/). Written with the three-word prompt "Liminal Degloved and Parry". It's a story about a guest being too big for the party.

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Story Title: The Art of Darkness (Part 8)

Writer: MaKenna Grace

Publication Name: I’m Not Crazy, I Promise…

Genre: Romance/Mystery

Category: Serial

URL: https://makennagrace.substack.com/p/the-art-of-darkness-part-8?r=1vkyax

Extra: An unexpected connection to Amber’s past shakes her foundations. But with it comes the possibility of a new way forward with Morvinus. Will the lovers make it past the first trial?

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Story Title: Self Examination

Writer: Mark Hannam

Publication Name: The Fictional Aether

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Short story

URL: https://fictionalaether.substack.com/p/self-examination

Extra: My mathematics colleague sent me this from one of the 173 exams he just marked, but let's call it a "short story".

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Writer: Mercedes De Santiago.

Publication Name: Mil y Una Historias.

Genre: high fantasy.

Category: Serial.

URL: https://algunashistorias.substack.com/p/chapter-2-13-the-village-on-fire

Extra: This chapter 13 of the store's second part is about Awlin, a ghost that doesn't remember anything about his life before his death has began a Journey, after the Monastery in which he lived was raided. His companions and himself arrive at a village which some strange creatures in service of the evil Empress have burned to the ground, but there are survivors...

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Writer: Kathrine Elaine

Publication Name: Kathrine’s substack

Genre: Horror

Category: short story

URL: https://kathrineelaine.substack.com/p/graphomaniac?r=2rhgsy

Extra: ‘Graphomaniac’ is a heavy horror short story. Triggers ahead!

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Pssst. Don’t forget to add your Story Title!

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Story Title: Sleep, Dearie, Sleep

Writer: Jean Marie Bauhaus

Publication Name: Through a Glass, Darkly

Genre: Historical horror

Category: Short serial

URL: https://jeanmariebauhaus.substack.com/p/sleep-dearie-sleep-episode-two

Extra: An atmospheric epistolary horror about a young architect in the 1790's south who is tasked with building an important bridge to connect the states to the Southwest Territory, who finds that progress has a terrible price. In part two, winter has ground the project to a halt, and a desperate Archie makes a desperate and ill-advised plea.

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Story Title: Wild Times at the Ruby Slipper (pt 2)

Writer: Chris DeWitt (Dork Mansion Dispatch)

Genre: Literary Fiction

Type: short serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/dorkmansiondispatch/p/dispatch-20-wild-times-at-the-ruby?r=e4td0&utm_medium=ios

Note: Pt 2 picks up where we left off— Randy’s driven by desire and desperation to get his band off the ground; Lynda learns this is the Ruby Slipper ‘s last night; and Denny breaks up his band, the Mind Killers, looking for something more.

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Story Title: Taking a Swing

Writer: Mary

Publication Name: Fiction and Also Cats

Genre: Fiction

Category: Micro Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/marymortonwrites/p/taking-a-swing?r=2yd0v5&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: Lucy stands up to the school bully. Today is the day she finally gets to play on the swings.

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Story Title: FLUX, ch.2: Transport Phenomena

Writer: Julie Gabrielli

Publication Name: Homecoming

Genre: Literary

Category: Serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/juliegabrielli/p/flux-chapter-2?r=4cg2x&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: The asthmatic climate scientist Grace Evans is a rising academic star, determined to expose the methane-leaking cracks in gas wells while hiding the widening cracks in her own life.

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Story: Management Class

Writer: Thomas Foydel

Publication Name: False Choices

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://falsechoices.substack.com/p/management-class

Extra: A midwest snowstorm sheds some light on how we live

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Story Title: Names

Writer: Bri Heron

Publication Name: Writing on a Whim

Genre: Thriller

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://briheron.substack.com/p/names-05b

Extra: A man meets another woman, Allie, and describes his encounter with her.

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Story Title: The Quieting

Writer: Emma

Publication Name: The Midnight Quill

Genre: Magical Realism

Category: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/themidnightquillwrites/p/the-quieting?r=2w1yax&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: A journey into nature becomes a path to self-transformation, where silence is not an absence, but a living force and the boundaries between human and animal blur.

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Story Title: Kiss of the Viper

Writer: Ken Beyer

Publication Name: My personal Substack

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: kbeyer.Substack.com

Extra: Tell us about your story in three sentences or less. Historical Fiction of Tales of the Louisiana Bayou

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Story Title: The Day After

Writer: Daniel O'Donnell

Publication Name: Dans Deliberations

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Micro Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/danielodonnell/p/the-day-after?r=2bfxud&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Extra: The aftermath of a storm and what's to come

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Story Title: Incarprettamento

Writer: Melissa Smith

Publication Name: Melissa Smith

Genre: Folk Horror

Category: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/creativerebel222/p/incarprettamento?r=4len4i&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

Extra: Matteo is an archeologist researching the history of Incarprettamento, a type of ligature strangulation that may have its history in ritual human sacrifice. The haunting story unfolds for him, as he learns about thirteen year old Hstéhr.

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Story Title: MOTHER

Writer: Keith Long

Publication Name: Loser’s Fiction

Genre: Stream of Conciousness

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/losersflashfiction/p/mother?r=3517l8&utm_medium=ios

Note: other genre tags, horror, literary fiction

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Story Title: White Night and a Suicide Drill

Writer: John Calvin

Publication Name: Calvin's Cavern

Genre: free verse

Category: Poetry

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/johnbcalvin/p/white-night-and-a-suicide-drill?r=2kb11f&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Notes: This poem was written exclusively written after I didn't sleep for a whole night because right before I went to bed I got this great idea for a story, and I decided to stay up and write a bit so I could come back to finish it later. When I got to a decent stopping point it was almost 5 AM; I had to be at a class at 8 and I didn't trust myself to only sleep 3 hours, so I pushed on through. Hopefully I will have the story finished and ready in the next couple weeks, so look out for that if this interests you.

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Story Title: Tamagotchi'd

Writer: Gabby

Publication Name: Tinfoil Diaries

Genre: Literary

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://tinfoildiaries.substack.com/p/tamagotchid

Extra: A door-to-door Tamagotchi salesperson quickly learns that her personality is the product. Themes include social anxiety, people-pleasing, 90s nostalgia and an exploration of personhood in the digital age.

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Story Title: One Last Ciggy

Writer: Rosie B

Publication Name: Rosie B

Genre: Literary

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/rosiebannerman/p/one-last-ciggy?r=27xjfl&utm_medium=ios

Extra: A clairvoyant predicts a tidal wave will wipe out a coastal town. It’s not going to happen, right?

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Story Title: Éowyn

Writer: C J O’Hare

Publication Name: Between Two Lampposts

Genre: Free Verse

Category: Poetry

URL: https://cjohare.substack.com/p/eowyn

Extra: A poem about stormy weather (and stormy relationships)

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Story Title: Station 2-14

Writer: Cameron Scott

Publication Name: Verse

Genre: Sci-fi

Category: Serial

URL: https://cameronscott.substack.com/p/station-2-14-chapter-one

Extra: Determined to save her dying mother, Ley must test her special abilities and become the best fighter in the Games of Station 2-14. Only she soon discovers that she’s not the only one with something to lose.

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Story Title: The Diabolical Revenge of Victoria Morrows

Writer: Maya Westerly

Publication Name: Deviant Worlds

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial Part 1 of 8

URL: https://restlessquill21.substack.com/p/the-diabolical-revenge-of-victoria

Extra: Victoria Morrows had served Count Mornay for years when a unexpected visit from a Witch of the Source brings new revelations and power. Can she forgive those who robbed her of who she once was? In the end, will she even be able to forgive herself?

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Story Title: A ring for every finger

Writer: Rostislava Pankova-Karadjova

Publication Name: Airings

Genre: Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/rostislava/p/a-ring-for-every-finger?r=zcxsb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Extra: A tale with an ending that might look like a happy one, but isn't.

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Story Title: Episode 5: Captain Polly

Writer: Chris Lynch

Publication Name: The Amazing Adventures of Tortoise & Gecko

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://tortoiseandgecko.substack.com/p/episode-5


Tortoise & Gecko make a momentous decision.

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Story Title: Baby Face

Writer: Jude Klinger

Publication Name: Camera Tenebris

Genre: Noir

Category: Serial, Part 2 of 2

URL: https://cameratenebris.substack.com/p/babyface

Extra: Angela finds herself juggling Charlie the money man, Harriet the operations woman, Bob the penguin aficionado & mad scientist, and Quint the loan shark. All in an effort to take over the BabyFace empire.

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Story Title: Accidental Nightmares

Writer: James Kenwood

Publication Name: Grim Acres

Genre: Sci-Fi

Category: Short Story

URL: https://jameskenwood.substack.com/p/accidental-nightmares

Extra: First contact with an alien species... except it doesn't quite go as planned.

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Story Title: Winding Ways

Writer: Maximilian P Siddell

Publication Name: A Stream of Counsciousness

Genre: Literary

Category: Poetry

Url: https://mpsiddell.substack.com/p/winding-ways

When you stand at the crossroads of destiny, which path will you take?

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Story Title: “Who Killed Storytelling” (Part 3)

Writer: Michael Arturo

Publication Name: Michael Arturo

Genre: Meta-Fiction

Category: Short Serial

URL: https://michaelarturo.substack.com/p/who-killed-storytelling-part-3

Extra: Towering intellectuals reduced to bumbling idiots, literary speakeasies the target of terror bombings, and jazz musicians left to lament the avant-garde’s last gasp. Philly Giordano continues his investigation into the murder of the century.

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Story Title: What's a Dragon? Chapter 30 - Particulars

Writer: Dragon Writer Luc

Publication Name: The Dragons' Den

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/dragonwriterluc/p/whats-a-dragon-chapter-30

Extra: Emilie finally gets to look in a mirror.

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Story Title: Those harsh insistent winds of the west

Writer: A.P. Murphy

Publication Name: The Strangeness Kit

Genre: Horror

Category: Short Story

URL: https://thestrangenesskit.substack.com/p/those-harsh-insistent-winds-of-the

Extra: Dreamlike piece about a family in a storm

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Story Title: Taxi Cab

Writer: Blace Alcock

Publication Name: Blace Alcock

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/blacealcock/p/taxi-cab?r=3vpd6z&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true

Extra: The rumination of a murderous Don Quixote type.

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Story Title: Bad Places #4

Writer: Ken Flyingheart

Publication Name: Echoes from the Well

Genre: Horror

Category: short story

URL: https://kenflyingheart1.substack.com/p/bad-places-4

Extra: A man recalling his experience in a "bad place".

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Story Title: Forbidden Teacher

Writer: Alexander Blaine

Publication Name: Dark Fiction Bodega

Genre: Psychedelic Literary

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://alexanderblaine.substack.com/p/forbidden-teacher

Extra: A frustrated youth takes an introspective mushroom trip atop Mt. Wilson.

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Story Title: We Gather Here Today

Writer: Jennifer James

Publication Name: Adventure To A Quiet Place

Genre: Comedy

Category: Short Story

URL: https://adventuretoaquietplace.substack.com/p/we-gather-here-today

Extra: Three views of the same funeral from three very different people.

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Story Title: Round and Round

Writer: Sharron Bassano

Publication Name: 🌿Leaves

Genre: Sci-fi

Category: 50-word story

URL: https://sharronbassano.substack.com/p/wild-fruit-e39

Life Cycle: Here we go again...

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Story Title: Dance Your Desires

Writer: Joseph L Wiess

Publication Name: Crann Na Beatha

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://josephwiess.substack.com/p/dance-your-desires

Extra: Heather, Amelia, and Nell dance for Balgair. Each dance is unique, showing the day each girl met Balgair.

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Story Title: The Curse of Shadow Valley

Writer: Bryan Russell

Publication Name: Bryan Russell

Genre: Horror

Category: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/bryanrussell1/p/the-curse-of-shadow-valley?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android&r=11vroc

Extra: A widowed police officer is in pursuit of a supernatural creature.

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Story Title: The Hive

Writer: S M Garratt

Publication Name: The Oort Cloud

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Flash Fiction

URL: https://theoortcloud.substack.com/p/the-hive?r=4c2xuj

Extra: When your job pushes you to the limits and beyond, what will you do to get a good severance package?

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Story Title: 13. Raiders in the night

Writer: A.M. Ward

Publication Name: Heaven and Earth: The Heshra Chronicles

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://byamward.substack.com/p/13?r=3rbt35

Extra: When strange creatures attack, Hal must fight to defend his family's farm.

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Story Title: Witchwars Chapter 1

Writer: Tai An Zhou

Publication Name: Tomato of Justice

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Serial

URL: https://substack.com/home/post/p-155914682?source=queue&autoPlay=false

Extra: The first chapter of a book I have on Amazon.

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Writer: C.S. Mee

Publication Name: The Deep

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/csmee/p/leftover-blood-in-the-bath-water?r=3v8lws&utm_medium=ios

Extra: We tend to admire people for who they are not. The men want Hailey and the women want Hailey out of the way. But Hailey isn’t who they think she is.

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Story Title: Ecclefoyle

Writer: Cobol

Publication Name: Synopsys

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Mythology

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/synopsys/p/ecclefoyle?r=64ykk&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

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Story Title: Why Teach? - chapter 15

Writer: Peter Shull

Publication Name: lower midlist

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Serial Fiction

URL: https://pshull.substack.com/p/why-teach-chapter-15

Extra: The beginning of Part II of the novel: William returns to school after Christmas Break and discovers that his books are missing.

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url: https://benwoestenburg.substack.com/p/throwback-thursday-24b?r=254e8w






URL: https://benwoestenburg.substack.com/p/cinderella-and-her-sisters-11e?r=254e8w

I don't know how you feel about me reading it out, but I've been doing it since before Substack introduced its own version of videos. I did it once, and two people responded saying they appreciated it because they had poor eyesight. But I also have the print version underneath. I'm wondering if it still qualifies?

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Story Title: Wisp

Writer: Josh Louis

Publication Name: Your Path to Publication

Genre: Fantasy

Category: Microfiction/Flash Fiction

URL: https://jlouiscreative.substack.com/p/wisp-microfiction-friday

Extra: The other kids caught lightning bugs in jars, but Mort never saw the appeal. They were all prisoners themselves, trapped within the walls of the city. Why imprison something so beautiful, so free?

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Story Title: Between A Rock And A Dream Place

Writer: Mark Jarret

Publication Name: DarkLight

Genre: Science Fiction

Category: Serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/mjporter/p/death-of-an-author?r=1ujboa&utm_medium=ios

Extra: Shoes considers the possibility she is trapped in a virtual projection, because how else could a child’s shadow hand cause a solar eclipse?

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Story Title: Parasites

Writer: Sue Meredith Mann

Publication Name: On the Road to Jericho

Genre: Literary Fiction

Category: Serial

URL: https://ontheroadtojericho.substack.com/p/35-cairo-1996-parasites

Extra: Eleanor is keeping secrets again. As her condition worsens, Magda intervenes.

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Story Title: Portal of Sorts

Writer: Alexandra Danila

Publication name: The Red Shelf

Genre: fabulist fiction

Category: short fiction

URL: https://theredshelf.substack.com/p/portal-of-sorts

Extra: a tear in the roof of a balcony proves to lead not to the outside but to a place the character cannot shake

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