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Story Title: Our Ancestors Are Always Taking Care of Us

Writer: It Could Be Miles

Genre: Magical Realism

Type: Short Story

URL: https://penrosegulch.substack.com/p/our-ancestors-are-always-taking-care

Tag Line:

In an echo of Eliade's Myth of the Eternal Return, parallel lives of grandfather and grandson converge as each conforms himself to the Cosmic Pattern, and in the process both are reminded that they are surrounded by everything they need if they just remember how to look.

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Story Title: For Want of Safe Harbor

Writer: Eric Falden

Genre: Fantasy

Type: Short Story

URL: https://ericfalden.substack.com/p/for-want-of-safe-harbor

Tag Line: A fisherman must make hard choices in order to live through merciless times.

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Story Title: Glass Heart


Genre: Romance

Type: Short Serial

URL: https://svndavn.substack.com/p/glass-heart-s1-episode-1

Tag Line: Thalia, a young psychologist with a dark past, is sent back in time to a kingdom ruled by the scheming Lord Malgor and brooding King Alexander. As danger rises, she must confront her own inner demons—and a love she never expected.

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Story Title: Catching Ghost

Writer:Jon T

Genre: Horror

Type: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/jontoews/p/catching-ghost?r=1asdvc&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=false

Tag Line: Rhythm and ritual in the face of entropy

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Story Title: dr0p_d0wn

Writer: A.P. Murphy

Genre: Speculative Fiction

Type: Short Story

URL: https://thestrangenesskit.substack.com/p/drp_dwn

Tag Line: An oligarch discovers that generating an infinite amount of money though AI hedge trades maybe isn't quite the wonderful outcome he desired.

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Story Title: Mulan Searches for the Medicine of Immortality

Writer: E. H. Lau

Genre: Folklore

Type: Short Story

URL: https://ehlau.substack.com/p/mulan-searches-for-the-medicine-of

Tag Line: A soldier on a quest for her Emperor's eternal reign and a knight on a quest for her Princess's cure - the two's pursuit of the miraculous Medicine of Immortality leads to a miraculous meeting.

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Story title: Dragon Market

Writer: Jane Dougherty

Genre: Magical realism

Type: Short Story

URL: https://janedougherty33.substack.com/p/dragon-market

Tag Line: In the land of darkness, fire is king.

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Story Title: The Fortunicorn

Writer: E.A. Colquitt

Genre: Fantasy

Type: Short Serial

URL: https://colquittwrites.substack.com/p/from-the-archive-the-fortunicorn

Tag Line: Three princesses are unlucky in love - can meeting a magical creature bring better fortune?

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Story Title: The Summer We Said Goodbye

Writer: Jack Fitzgerald

Genre: Literary Fiction

Type: Serial

URL: https://jackfitzgerald.substack.com/p/the-summer-we-said-goodbye-installment-13

Tagline: A coming-of-age novel set against the backdrop of Lake Michigan and the rolling fields of the English Cotswolds

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Title: Ship of Fools

Writer: Larry Hogue of Glass Half Full

Genre: Speculative Fiction

Type: Serial

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/larryhogue/p/ship-of-fools-prologue?r=1hfx9&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Tagline: A sci-fi satire about a science journalist trying to make sense of conspiracy theorists, flat-earthers, moon-landing deniers, New Agers, and more

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Title: 4:45PM

Writer: Tommy Green

Genre: Literary Fiction

Type: Poetry:

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/tommyjgreen2004/p/445pm?r=4k4m5l&utm_medium=ios

Tagline: A meditation on the nights drawing in earlier as winter approaches.

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Writer: William Pauley III (@doomfiction)

Genre: Thriller

Type: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/williampauleyiii/p/storytime-bloody-holly?r=pm1ka&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Tag Line: Death is but a dream...

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Story Title: Beef - Volume I

Writer: Andrew Robert Colom

Genre: Lit-Fic

Type: Short Story

URL: https://storyarc.substack.com/p/beef-volume-i

Tag Line: When it comes to fiction, its battle or bust.

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Story Title: Reverent

Writer: one sunflower

Genre: Lit-Fic

Type: Poetry

URL: https://citydogsandcats.substack.com/p/reverent?r=23dr2w

Tag Line: I remind myself of your touch

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Story Title: A wish Fulfilled

Writer: Alexandra Hill

Genre: Speculative Fiction

Type: Serial

URL: https://substack.com/home/post/p-152473163

Tag Line: That's what they say about presenting your work to the public right? If you're nervous, imagine your audience as ants.

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Story Title: And they shall know me

Writer: Nick Winney

Genre: Horror

Type: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/nickwinney/p/and-they-shall-know-me?r=2fhpll&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Tag Line: Is a killer born or made?

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Story Title: Tales & Treasure Chapter 1

Writer: Rob Mortell/Stories Have Power

Genre: Fantasy

Type: Serial

URL: https://robmortell.substack.com/p/chapter-1

Tag Line: Vatis stepped over the corpse of a man he didn’t think could die.

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Story Title: Godfried the Gourmand

Writer: Shifra Steinberg / Absurdus

Genre: Comedy

Type: Short Story

URL: https://substack.com/home/post/p-151165380?r=fda6y&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

Note: Godfried, an elderly man from a small Dutch village, becomes obsessed with a dish at a new up-and-coming restaurant. Since the chef won’t give him the recipe, he returns everyday to decipher it for himself.

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Story Title: I am Dying, I Think
Writer: Irshaad
Genre: Science Fiction
Type: Flash Fiction
URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/unfinishedspeedwriting/p/i-am-dying-i-think?r=2qufyf&utm_medium=ios
Note: A “dying” man trying to understand what’s happening to him...

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Story Title: The Fire

Writer: <Mary L. Tabor>

Genre: Literary Fiction

Type URL: Serial https://marytabor.substack.com/p/who-by-fire

Tag Line: Who by Fire is told by Robert, Lena’s husband, as he attempts to understand her affair with Isaac, an affair he’s become aware of after her death, a story he is writing as he tells his imagined version of his wife’s betrayal, a paradoxical tale of his own undoing.

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Story Title: Farewell to the Flesh

Writer: Liz Zimmers

Genre: Horror

Type: Short Story

URL: https://lizzimmers.substack.com/p/farewell-to-the-flesh?r=1zdam3

Tag Line: The last farewell to the flesh before penitence.

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Story Title: Snakelegs

Writer: Layne Mercer

Genre: Literary fiction

Type: Short story

URL: https://substack.com/@fineideas/p-151402568

Tag Line: There's nothing more addictive than doing nothing at all.

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Story Title: Cool Like Casali

Writer: Jim Cummings

Genre: Lit-Fic

Type: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/jimcummings5251/p/cool-like-casali?

Tag Line: The cost of vengeance is a lifetime in the family business.

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Story Title: A Marriage of Body and Soul

Writer: William F. Edwards

Genre: Fantasy

Type: Short Story

URL: https://warthogreport.substack.com/p/a-marriage-of-body-and-soul

Tag Line: To love and be loved

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Very excited to check out all the submissions. The story I selected seemed to resonate with a lot of readers, and I believe it is a solid representation of my style and mission. Please give it a read and enjoy!

Story title: A Timeless Beauty: a story in 60 seconds

Writer: Michael Serrur

Genre: Dystopian

Type: Microfiction/flashfiction

URL: https://michaelserrurauthor.substack.com/p/a-timeless-beauty-a-story-in-60-seconds

Tag: Desire never grows old

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Story title: Ciao, SETI!

Writer: Evelyn K. Brunswick

Genre: Sci-Fi

Type: Short Serial

URL: https://inadifferentplace.substack.com/p/ciao-seti-intro-and-part-18?r=2s9hod

Tagline: Part 1 of 8, in which a sassy young astronomy postgrad attempts to thwart SETI from covering up a genuine signal from ETI; with a generous dash of good humour

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Story Title: #9 9

Writer: Jack Nagy

Genre: Literary Fiction

Type: Flash Fiction

URL: https://substack.com/@hangways/p-152078813

Tag Line: Lt. "the Squire" Varnum conducts a Galilean seance at the mudflats. A tribute to Pynchon's "Gravity's Rainbow".

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Additionally, I'd like to extend a massive thanks to you for compiling this recap. This is an enormous amount of effort and a fantastic project; I'm certain we're all incredibly appreciative.

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Story: A Shiver in the Air

Writer: Jean McKinney

Genre: Fantasy

Type: Short Story

URL: https://blackmoonjournal.substack.com/p/a-shiver-in-the-air

Tag Line: On a bitter winter night, the lives of two children hang in the balance - and Maddie Cain, healer and witch, must bargain with the Fae to decide their fate.

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Story: Scavengers

Writer: Ken Wolfson

Genre: Science Fiction

Type: Short Fiction

URL: https://kenwolfson.substack.com/p/the-scavengers?r=2f2488

Tag Line: The rains wash everything to the bottom of the arcology, including humanity.

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Story Title: Quarter Past Murder

Writer: Elisabeth Grace Foley of The Second Sentence

Genre: Comedy

Type: Micro/Flash Fiction

URL: https://secondsentence.substack.com/p/quarter-past-murder

Tag Line: Midnight (or just past) upon the terrace of an English country house. A body has been discovered. And nobody knows quite what to do next.

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Story Title: Go Down Swinging

Writer: loren of badger scratch

Genre: Fic-Lit

Type: Short story

URL: https://lorenvictory.substack.com/p/go-down-swinging?r=43m39u

Tag line: Taking a random encounter beyond simply passers-by to a more intimate view into a life lived differently

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Story Title: An Interpreter in Vienna

Writer: Dr Kathleen Waller

Genre: psychological thriller

Type: serial

URL: https://thematterhorn.substack.com/p/an-interpreter-in-vienna-chapter

Tag Line: An Interpreter in Vienna is a response to Graham Greene's The Third Man and an epistolary novel, written by an interpreter-spy as she awaits a mysterious man at her doorstep.

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Story Title: Thaw

Writer: Wes Mann

Genre: Literary Fiction

Type: Short Story

URL: https://wesmann.substack.com/p/thaw?r=1spoth

Tag Line: An emotional journey through the cold after the remnants of a halloween party

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Story Title: The Seven Deadly Sins

Writer: Chris J. Franklin

Genre: Humour

Type: Microfiction

URL: https://chrisjfranklin.substack.com/p/the-seven-deadly-sins

Tag Line: A collection of Microfiction, based around The Seven Deadly Sins... 😎

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Story Title: Who Will Save Her?

Writer: Val Stuart

Genre: Mystery

Type: Serial

URL: https://whowillsaveher.substack.com/p/0

Tag Line: In a harsh near-future not hard to imagine, can a young woman who escaped her father's cult and later, a bad marriage, falls in with the wrong crowd. Can free herself from the pain of her past without becoming the perpetrator herself? Written in 1st/3rd person combined POV in vignettes.

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Story Title: Beyond the shadows they wait

Writer: Anthony Akins

Genre: Horror

Type: Micro/Flash

FictionURL: https://asakins.substack.com/p/beyond-the-shadows-they-wait

Tag Line: A recurring nightmare of mine, one that always wake me up with a start, sometimes screaming.

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Story Title: Inkut the God

Writer: Cobol

Genre: Lit mythology

Type: Short fiction

Fiction URL: https://synopsys.substack.com/p/inkut-the-god

Tagline: A god who has the power to combust at will struggles to find a community that will embrace him.

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Story Title: Dougie R. Reingold


Genre: LIT-FIC

Type: Micro/Flash

FictionURL: https://camilahamel.substack.com/p/dougie-r-reingold

Tag Line: A story about a nomad who faces an unexpected lesson in stillness and what is unavoidable.

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Story Title: Bacalaito

Writer: Scott MacLeod/Son of Ugly

Genre: sports

Type: Flash Fiction

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/sonofugly/p/bacalaito?r=2sz29p&utm_medium=ios

Note: Boy meets Gloves. Boxing gloves.

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Story Title: Mayhem at Miskatonic

Writer: Bill Hiatt

Genre: Horror

Type: Short Story

URL: https://billhiatt.substack.com/p/mayhem-at-miskatonic

Tag Line: An aging college professor, his devoted assistant, and a dreamer are all that stand between the human race and total annihilation.

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Story Title: The Dance

Writer: Bill Ferguson - Observations In Time

Genre: Literary Fiction

Type: Flash Fiction

URL: https://billferguson.substack.com/p/the-dance-a-hundred-word-story

Tag line: Fall is just the beginning.

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Story Title: How to Kill an Immortal

Writer: Alex S. Garcia @ The Xen'in Universe

Genre: Science-Fiction

Type: Short Story

URL: https://xenin.substack.com/p/htkai

Tag Line: When an immortal dies, a scientist asks questions no one has asked in millennia...

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Story Title: Bandages and Broken Hearts

Writer: MaKenna Grace

Genre: Romance

Type: Short Story

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/makennagrace/p/bandages-and-broken-hearts-v2?r=1vkyax&utm_medium=ios

Tagline: A bittersweet romance about a woman running into the arms of a man to escape her pain. Together, they will push the boundaries of their relationship.

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Story Title: Golden Glow

Writer: Amanda Saint - The Mindful Writer

Genre: Speculative Fiction

Type: Flash Fiction

URL: https://themindfulwriter.substack.com/p/flash-fiction-friday-76e

Tag line: Inspired by the Euthanasia Coaster designed by Lithuanian artist Julijonas Urbonas, which made me wonder about who would want to get on it and why and led me to find the narrator that no longer believed life was good.

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Story Title: Thirsty

Writer: Meg Oolders of Stock Fiction

Genre: Young Adult

Type: Short Story

URL: https://stockfiction.substack.com/p/thirsty

Tag Line: Tensions are high when two teen co-workers spend the last twenty minutes of their diner shift unsuccessfully distracting themselves from each other.

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Story Title: The Second Dimension, Part 1

Writer: Daniel Sherrier

Genre: Superhero

Type: Serial

URL: https://danielsherrier.substack.com/p/the-second-dimension-part-1

Tag Line: No one is born a perfect superhero, but Miranda tries to live up to the ideal anyway.

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Story Title: The Hanahaki Club: Episode 1, Losers in Love Part 1

Writer: PJ from Life at 23.5 Degrees

Genre: Romance

Type: Serial

URL: https://lifeat235degrees.substack.com/p/the-hanahaki-club-813?r=1zmgej

Tag Line: Meet The Hanahaki Club: five losers in love who share the same rare genetic flaw that means their unrequited love is killing them—literally, slowly and beautifully—as hanahaki flowers fill up their lungs. Somehow, together, they must figure out how to go from losers in love to survivors.

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Story title: Umberto and the Duke

Writer: A. A. Kostas

Genre: Philosophical Fiction

Type: Short Story

Url: https://waymarkers.substack.com/p/umberto-and-the-duke

Tag Line: Umberto is a goat farmer and his friend, a Learned Man, confronts his beliefs about the nature of the Duke who rules over the land and the ultimate question of good and evil in a world of beauty and suffering.

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Story Title: Embrace

Writer: Tracy

Genre: Horror

Type: Poetry

URL: https://open.substack.com/pub/wyrdplay/p/embrace

Tag Line: The loathing of touching and being touched haunts this protagonist to the very end.

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Story Title: Matters of the Heart

Writer: Shane Bzdok

Genre: Science Fiction

Type: Short Story

URL: https://shanebzdok.substack.com/p/matters-of-the-heart

Tag Line: A lover's heart is used as leverage when the desperation of self-preservation turns man into monster, and brother against brother.

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