Necessary Moment - 9/15/24 [Free Verse]
Submerged - 9/20/24 [Free Verse]
Notes from the Sea - 9/19/24 [Experimental]
I Rode My Bike in the Dim Light - 9/20/24 [Free Verse]
A Crowd - 9/16/24 [Fable]
Freedom - 9/14/24 [Fantasy]
Short Cake - 9/15/24 [Noir]
The frontier land towards night - 9/16/24 [Horror]
Rake - 9/16/24 [Crime]
The Memory Sculptor - 9/14/24 [Sci-Fi]
Endless Tower - 9/19/24 [LitRPG]
Daring, Darian and Disappearances [Adventures in Everlund, Ch. 5] - 9/17/24 [LitRPG]
Silver Threads [A River Trembles, Bk. 2, Ch. 5] - 9/20/24 [Fantasy]
Incendium [Theda's Time Macine, Ch. 23] - 9/19/24 [Historical Fantasy]
Search [Finale Part Two] - 9/17/24 [Sci-Fi]
It's not that bad, being dead. - 9/19/24 [Literary Fiction]
Dinardo [A Pact of Thieves, Ch. 1] - 9/19/24 [Fantasy]
Sneakers on Marble - 9/15/24 [Horror]
Karma of Kulgera [Pt. 3] - 9/19/24 [Fantasy]
I want to talk about TWO things today; Recommendations and Off the Stack. Let me get the more serious business out of the way first.
Recommendations - This past Friday TiF received the most recommendations/self-promotions ever with nearly 50! And while this warms my heart, I do want to point out the new “ONE GENRE” rule. There were many stories I passed over because this simple rule was not followed. If it’s your intention not to be featured in TiF and just in the comments section, you can disregard what I am about to say. However, if you DO want to be considered for future TiF issues then, LISTEN UP! When I say ONE GENRE I mean ONE GENRE. This does NOT mean putting a “/” or a “-” (or any other punctuation) in between two clearly different genres will make it count as one. It doesn’t. And I will overlook those. I am in the process of creating a general list of the most popular fiction genres that are commonly used. Again, I understand, many of you will want to state emphatically that to nail down your work to ONE GENRE is impossible. 1. I urge you to try and 2. That is what the Note area in your recommendation is for. Let us know the many other genres your story fits into there. If I let you slide what sort of precedent would I be setting? Thank you. [Oh, and before you ask, of course, this doesn’t include Sci-Fi, Cli-Fi, or any other obvious genre that normally includes a hyphen.]
With the newfound updates and features that Substack is delivering, things are either better or worse depending on where you’re standing. But I want TiF to remain that one constant that you can rely on, so when I have something new or a change I’m working on, I’m trying not to release them week-over-week. With that said, you might notice a couple of changes in the coming weeks. For today, I want to point out two important additions/changes:
Off the Stack - A newly minted page on TiF that is dedicated to promoting when the works of fiction writers are presented in a new form, namely in print and for purchase. So, if you or someone you know has shared their fiction on Substack and then self-published that work for purchase online, click the button below, and fill out this Off the Stack Google form so I can add your work to this page. - That’s right! We now have our own URL ya’ll! With the generosity of the fiction community and fellow subscribers here, when I put out the call for assistance, all of you more than came through!
— Your Most Trusted Fiction Overlord 😈
We’ll be back next Monday for another amazing list of fiction stories worth reading! And if you enjoyed any of these stories, please consider sharing this post everywhere:
Thank you for listing my work!
I'm excited to read everyone else's as well... on that note - the link to this story is broken - The frontier land towards night.
Thank you TIF! <3
Thanks very much Erica 🙏