Crow's Feet - 1/12/25 [Free Verse]
A Part - 1/13/25 [Free Verse]
Sonnet - 1/14/25 [Free Verse]
Travelers - 1/11/25 [Free Verse]
The Body in the Book Drop - 1/16/25 [Literary Fiction]
Memento Mori - 1/12/25 [Horror]
THE VISIONARIES - 1/12/25 [Speculative Fiction]
Reliance - 1/16/25 [Literary Fiction]
Moquerie de la mère - 1/15/25 [Horror]
Winter - 1/15/25 [Magical Realism]
Finding Sasha - 1/11/25 [Literary Fiction]
Series of Dreams - 1/15/25 [Horror]
Stella - 1/15/25 [Horror]
The Big Screen - 1/12/25 [Literary Fiction]
Lightbulb - 1/15/25 [Horror]
The Box - 1/18/25 [Horror]
The Silenced [Part Four] - 1/14/25 [Science Fiction]
The LONG QUIET [MOONTHREAD, Ch. 1] - 1/15/25 [Fantasy]
Prisoners on the Beagle [Ep. 3] - 1/14/25 [Fantasy]
Circulation Density [Flux, Ch. 1] - 1/16/25 [Literary Fiction]
Stay Under Glass [Radiance, #8.5] - 1/16/25 [Superhero]
Soup Can - 1/13/25 [Literary Fiction]
Sweet Bloody Sugarcane - 1/14/25 [Horror]
Glow - 1/12/25 [Note]
"Bear" and the Bhannan [Ch. 1, Pt. 3 Law and Order] - 1/15/25 [Romantic Fantasy]
Last week Wednesday we celebrated TiFs Annual Recap of 2024. It was great fun getting to share with all of you how it came together and answer your questions. If you were unable to attend, you can watch the recap here.
I want to also remind you all that we’re still accepting submissions to TiF Presents… until January 31st. What would you send or say or sing to your valentine if you knew whatever it was would be marked “Return to Sender” or better yet, what story springs to mind? Be as romantic or murderous as you want. Our favorites will be selected and shared in time for Valentine’s Day on February 14th.
This week I had a second meeting with Mark of the Brand. For those of you who don’t know, he’s an amazing artist. You can see some of his work with doing the images for Dark Tidings. I asked him if he’d work on a rebrand that I want to do for TiF and after our first talk he got to work! This second meeting involved showing me his vision and I was gobsmacked! It looks amazing and this was only some initial designs. He captured exactly the tone of where I want to take TiF in the coming years. I wish I had something to share with you so that you could be as impressed as I was. But we are holding the reveal until later and trust me when I say it will be worth the wait.
I have many private and public goals for Top in Fiction. One of the private ones is to take us outside of Substack in a very big way. I’m not in a place yet to be able to share exactly how that’s going to happen. But I can tell you I love disrupting and being uncomfortable. That is when great change can happen. Good things can happen. If we just trust and step out of our comfort zones. Substack is a great place of comfort to all of us. But I want to help those who desire to be made uncomfortable. Cast aside the comfort that Substack provides and step into a new chapter of storytelling. Have I said too much? I hope I’ve left you guessing and trying to figure out what the HECK I’m talking about!
In the meantime, all of what I plan to do cannot happen without your continued donations of support. So many have given already and with what we have I’m opening the doors to start our first round of TiF Scholarships for Q1 of 2025. I’ll be sharing more information on that next month. I’d love to say we’ve got more than we need but we are far from it and I’m wondering if perhaps telling you the goal and how close we are to reaching it would be a better representation? Hence the inclusion of the POLL below:
— Your Most Trusted Fiction Curator 😈
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TiF Weekly, Live! is every Monday at 10am EST. Download the app! It’s the only way to watch:
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We’ll be back next Monday for another amazing list of fiction stories worth reading! If you enjoyed any of these stories, please consider sharing this post everywhere:
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