
TiF Weekly, Live! #4

Week of Jan 18 - Jan 24 | Vol. 2 Iss. 4

Hunger Games Re-Imagined - 1/21/25 [Free Verse]

of Trial & Error

Night - 1/24/25 [Free Verse]

of Outside the therapy room


The End and the Beginning - 1/20/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Along the Hudson

Day Twelve - 1/22/25 [Science Fiction]

of Strange New Worlds

The Long Tie - 1/22/25 [Literary Fiction]

of The Literary Ledger

At the Crossroads - 1/23/25 [Literary Fiction]

of A Stream of Consciousness


Balls to the Wall - 1/22/25 [Science Fiction]

of Grim Acres

Shoofoo - 1/18/25 [Speculative Fiction]

of Ferns of Columbo

Blackout - 1/18/25 [Horror]

of Tales at Twilight

Five Skeins a-Spinning - 1/24/25 [Horror]

of A work of fiction

Flea Market - 1/24/25 [Science Fiction]

of C.P. Night’s Myriadu

The Bagel Shop Incident: A Baker's Dozen Mob - 1/18/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Frantic Writing

Heavenly Blue - 1/20/25 [Science Fiction]

of Thinking in Capitals

Counter Clockwise - 1/24/25 [Crime]



Names - 1/18/25 [Thriller]

of Writing on a Whim

The Wicked Among Us [Part 2] - 1/20/25 [Horror]

of The Jack Croxall Newsletter

Wild Times at the Ruby Slipper [Pt. 1] - 1/20/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Dork Mansion Dispatch


The Origami Bomb [Ch. 9] - 1/20/25 [Magical Realism]

of Tesserae Tales

Cairo, 1996 - Lost [Ch. 33] - 1/23/25 [Historical Fiction]

of On the Road to Jericho: A Novel

Daughter of Fire and Blood [2] - 1/22/25 [Fantasy]

of The KATacombs


A Thing of Beauty - 1/19/25 [Horror]

of Tabitha Pearson [Short Story]

Shelbourne & Mattingly [The Tea Room, Pt. 1] - 1/18/25 [Contemporary Fiction]

of Patchwork Fiction: Southern Tales [Serial]

Baby Face - 1/23/25 [Noir]

of Camera Tenebris [Short Serial]

A Woman Scorched - 1/21/25 [Humor]

of Characteristically Speaking [Short Story]

Fireside Revival - 1/24/25 [Fantasy]

of Your Path to Publication [Micro/Flash Fiction]

What You Missed, Live! on TiF…

A first look at the TiF Annual Recap of 2024 Magazine that I had printed just to see what all those pages would look like in print. I really love the print quality. There are some things I would change but for the most part it’s perfect. It also makes me think about what could be in the future if I were to consider printing a TiF Magazine Quarterly? Hmm…

I had a third meeting with Chris of Mark of the Brand and it looks like we’ll likely only have one more meeting before the TiF rebrand will be complete and we’ll show you the final results. It’s truly spectacular. I also want to be able to give him the first installment as he’s been so gracious in allowing me to split the payments up in order to pay him for the tremendous work and services he’s done thus far. It’s not ideal but I’m thinking I can, using my own money, pay for 1/4 of the full amount. I’ll have to consult with my wife if I increase my contribution to half of the cost. I will need the community to help fund the rest.

Look for a very special TiF Disruption where Chris will join me Live to show off the rebrand. It’s in this post that I will share the cost and how I’m hoping to be able to pay for this rebrand over time. I hope you join us for the Live so you can see how it all came together.

I’m making a bit of an executive decision from February forward: Honorable Mentions will be reserved for any “new” fiction writers I discover who have not shared their fiction (or been shared) on the Friday post OR any fiction writer who is brand new to Substack, meaning they may only have a handful of fiction posts in their backlog. I hope this will incentivize people to keep writing so they can be featured some day in the future.

I wrote a Note this week where I shared some interesting, and nerdy, information about the Open Rates for Friday emails versus Monday emails. I think you ought to read it for yourselves but I also discuss it in detail during the Live that you can also watch above.

This is the FINAL call for submissions to TiF Presents…A Valentine’s Day event, Return to Sender where myself and Meg Oolders of The Romantic will select our favorites. The deadline is this Friday, January 31st at 3am EST/12am PST.

Submissions Button

And lastly, a quick word on our first ever TiF Sociable! Yet another one of my ideas that I just came up with in this new year after I started reading, [insert book title here]. It made me wonder if holding such a gathering of readers to listen to writers reading their own work, like it was done so long ago, could be recreated but using the technology afforded to us today? I’m going to put this social experiment to the test and I need you to make it a success.

I’m aiming for the end of February for the first ever TiF Sociable. I will have more details such as how to sign up, what you’ll need to do, and the time and date for when this will happen next week. I’m still holding public discussions over on Substack Notes so if you’re not following me, be sure that you do so you can let me know your thoughts as I put this together.

Follow Me Here!

Your Most Trusted Fiction Curator 😈


TiF Vol 2 Iss 4
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TiF Weekly, Live! is every Monday at 10am EST. Download the app! It’s the only way to watch:

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We’ll be back next Monday for another amazing list of fiction stories worth reading! If you enjoyed any of these stories, please consider sharing this post everywhere:


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