
TiF Weekly, Live! #5

Week of Jan 25 - Jan 31 | Vol. 2 Iss. 5

i plummet from the night sky - 1/29/25 [Free Verse]

of Iterations


Saturnal Cancer - 1/28/25 [Horror]

of Graphomania with M.P. Fitzgerald

The Labourer - 1/27/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Uncle Bob is Ruminating

Tamagotchi'd - 1/30/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Tinfoil Diaries


Sticks - 1/27/25 [Horror]

of Automatic Writer

Those harsh insistent winds of the west - 1/30/25 [Horror]

of The Strangeness Kit

Whoosh - 1/30/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Jane Dougherty’s Bestiary

Moonlight & Roses - 1/30/25 [Fantasy]

of Magical Musings with MeBrady

Kiss of the Viper - 1/29/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Ken’s Substack

The Quieting - 1/28/25 [Magical Realism]

of Midnight Quill

Taxi Cab - 1/26/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Blace Alcock

Tragedy Mill - 1/30/25 [Fantasy]

of Loser’s Fiction

Incarprettamento - 1/31/25 [Horror]

of Melissa Smith

Bad Places #4 - 1/30/25 [Horror]

of Echoes from the Wall


Cinderella & Her Sisters - 1/26/25 [Historical Fiction]


Pale Snake [Cockatrice, Pt. 2] - 1/27/25 [Speculative Fiction]

of Talebones


Voss [Station 2-14, Ch. One] - 1/30/25 [Literary Fiction]


Meatball Ron [Dollhouse, Arc 2 Pt. 1] - 1/29/25 [Science Fiction]

of Deviant Worlds

Inheritance Paid - 1/28/25 [Fantasy]

of Falden’s Forge


Uncannyland - 1/26/25 [Free Verse]

of Camelia Baker [Poetry]

Called [Jericho Center, Ward 7, Ch. 1] - 1/27/25 [Thriller]

of The World According to Gillian Fletcher [Serial]

The Moon Speaks [By Her Light, Ch. 3] - 1/29/25 [Fantasy]

of Inkspire [Serial]

The Throne Room - 1/30/25 [Fantasy]

of Kaily Tells Stories [Short Story]

Witchwars [Ch. 1] - 1/31/25 [Fantasy]

of Tomato of Justice [Serial]

What You Missed, Live! on TiF…

My ideas with regards to the TiF Sociable is to have it take place on the last Friday of the month, with our first experiment to happen on February 28th. I’d like to invite 3 - 4 writers on to read their story and I will read one of mine as well to start. With a few minutes to maybe have questions from the audience. Some things I’m considering while planning this is how to decide who to ask or should it be volunteers? Would the story being read come from the previous month’s featured story? I’m wanting to limit the length to under 2,000 words so as to keep the length of the entire sociable to under 30min if possible. Maybe as we progress and get more interest we can expand the story lengths and number of stories read. But for now I think shorter is better.

I met with Christopher of Mark of the Brand and the rebranding of TiF is complete. The grand unveiling should be happening this Wednesday during the first Monthly Recap of 2025. Chris will join me during the Live where he will show you how we arrived at what the new branding is. At which time, shortly after the Live, the new branding should be up everywhere. The new medallions will start being used on Monday, February 10th and I will look to update the 5 prior weeks.

In other news, this Friday will be the last day to submit a story for our very first TiF Presents for Valentine’s Day. Then, join us on Valentine’s Day where we will share our favorites via an exclusive post. This will be the very first time that actual fiction can be read directly on Top in Fiction.

Lastly, I will be sharing the cost for the TiF Rebrand as well as the proposed cost for the TiF Scholarship in the coming weeks. As well as an idea for a quarterly TiF Magazine! More on that in the future.

Your Most Trusted Fiction Curator 😈


TiF Weekly, Live! is every Monday at 10am EST. Download the app! It’s the only way to watch:

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We’ll be back next Monday for another amazing list of fiction stories worth reading! If you enjoyed any of these stories, please consider sharing this post everywhere:


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