
TiF Weekly, Live! #9

Week of Feb 22 - Feb 28 | Vol. 2 Iss. 9

Jumping with Janus - 2/26/25 [Speculative Fiction]

of Ferns of Columbo


The Moon & Other Failures - 2/23/25 [Free Verse]

of hope(less) on sundays

Privacy - 2/22/25 [Free Verse]

of In a Different Place

Happiness Potion - 2/24/25 [Free Verse]

of Heron’s Poems

Shards of Love - 2/28/25 [Free Verse]

of Outside the therapy room


I Can Only Describe It Through Memory - 2/28/25 [Literary Fiction]

of This Nick Writes

Unspoken Rules - 2/22/25 [Horror]

of Pinebox Readings

Choosing - 2/25/25 [Fantasy]

of Michael’s Musings

Adrift - 2/24/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Josh Tatter Has Thoughts

missing the ocean - 2/24/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Thinking in Capitals

Marrying Paris - 2/24/25 [Magical Realism]

of Only Child Originals


Larry - 2/22/25 [Humor]

of Grey Matters

I'm Sorry I Asked - 2/26/25 [Climate Fiction]

of Press

Revenir [Beneath the Hawthorn Tree] - 2/28/25 [Literary Fiction]

of The Untangling

The Hunger - 2/25/25 [Horror]

of Newton’s Tales of the Macabre

Lucky Day - 2/22/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Airings


Rings of Fire - 2/27/25 [Fantasy]

of Of Turtles and Talking Stones

Confessions of a Voyeur [Pt. 1] - 2/24/25 [Speculative Fiction]

of Nocturnal Narrator


Hero Quest [Ep. 19] - 2/25/25 [Fantasy]

of Mythscape

The Bunk [Ep. 9] - 2/25/25 [Fantasy]

of The Amazing Adventures of Tortoise & Gecko


A Restless Vacation - 2/26/25

of Fiction And Also Cats [Notes]

Eight Minutes - 2/28/25 [Science Fiction]

of Taro Bahar [Short Story]

A lost young man with enormous wings - 2/26/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Analog Stories [Short Story]

Dreaming Without Sleeping - 2/25/25 [Speculative Fiction]

of Only Slightly Unhinged [Micro/Flash Fiction]

Rose of Sharon - 2/26/25 [Literary Fiction]

of Oscar Ruto [Short Story]

Read the Recommendations post for even MORE stories we just couldn’t fit.

REMINDER: Recommendation posts are officially discontinued and has been moved to an online form beginning Friday, March 7th. You must be subscribed to receive notifications via Substack Chat. For more info about Substack Chat click here.

What You Missed, Live! on TiF…

The second Monthly Recap is in two days, on Wednesday, March 5th but the time will be slightly different as to when you’ll receive the email. To accommodate the special guests who’ll be joining me, the Monthly Recap Live will take place at 1pm EST.

I have some exciting news! We have begun adding TiF Team members and you can see who they are over on the TiF Team page. We are still looking for more volunteers to take the reins on some of the more specific Genres so, if you enjoy reading fiction, why not consider joining the team today!

Join the TiF Team

Some new things that’s coming out of adding these new members is a slight change to how we handle the dozens of recommendations we receive every Friday to Saturday:

  1. The notification will now be Subscriber Only and will no longer be visible on our Home page.

  2. From now on, submitting a recommendation (self-promotion or otherwise) will happen via an online form that will automatically log each entry into a planned future searchable database.

  3. This means looking for stories to read from previous weeks will be as easy as the click of a button. Whether you’re looking for a specific genre or category!

  4. This will also help to keep the recommendations to the correct timeline as we’ve added asking that you provide the date your recommendation was written.

A main reason for doing it this way is two-fold:

  1. It’s going to be easier for the TiF Genre Curators to filter for themselves the genre they will be reading week-over-week.

  2. My hope is the new Search capabilities will increase people (old and new) finding more stories to read, which should result in increased subscribers for those who are featured.

I love having the comments filled with dozens upon dozens of recommendations but I knew that wouldn’t last, especially as TiF scales up in size and scope of new readers and more stories recommended each week.

I know this will be a definite transition and learning curve for a lot of people so I hope you will work with us as we implement this change moving forward. There will be no more Recommendations Template as well as other changes in terms of how you receive a notification each week but we’ll try our best to walk you through this change and hope it will work better in the long run for everyone.

The old Recommendations Section will be Archived HERE. Meaning the past posts will still be accessible from the About Page in case you want to go back. I am considering manually inputting at least the 2025 recommendations we’ve received, if there is time, but since there were 518 recommendations in just 9 weeks, I beg for your patience on that front!

The Medallions from weeks 1 through 4 are fully updated to incorporate the new logo. Anyone who received a medallion for these weeks should go back and check to see the new one. I promise to have weeks 5 & 6 done by this Friday and will state so in the Chat notification that goes out.

Weekly Issues Archive

Your Editor-in-Chief 😈

TiF Weekly, Live! is every Monday at 10am EST. Download the app! It’s the only way to watch:

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We’ll be back next Monday for another amazing list of fiction stories worth reading! If you enjoyed any of these stories, please consider sharing this post everywhere:


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