I am working on the medallions now. I hope to have them ready at the same time as when I send the email. Apologies that they are not there yet. Give me about another hour and they should be there.
I appreciate the pick! Thank you for the opportunity to be featured on here. Such great picks always. Also I love the idea of talking about stories, sounds dope.
Thank you so much! This was amazing! I had started some of the suggestions in the comment so I definitely recognize a few of those. Everything I've read so far has been so good!
Thank you for the shout out. It's much appreciated.
Thanks so much for having me in your honourable mentions! Alongside some amazing work 😍Thanks also for putting this together every week 💪🏼
Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Never in a million years did I think I would be on this list.
Thank you!
Are the medallions available? The link just takes me to an empty google drive folder. Or am I being an idiot here?
I am working on the medallions now. I hope to have them ready at the same time as when I send the email. Apologies that they are not there yet. Give me about another hour and they should be there.
Sorry about that - I should've realised they weren't ready yet. Serves me right for being impatient.
Got it now though - thanks! Looks seriously good, too! I like these new designs.
Oh my goodness! It’s so wonderful to see Marrying Paris on this list. That means a lot to me. Thank you so much!
Thank you for the feature!!! Totally unexpected with all the great work submitted.
Thank you so much for this! It couldn’t have come at a better time for me 😊
Thank you so much! I am so honored!!
wow, this is unexpected! thanks so much, Erica, and whoever nominated my haiku.
I appreciate the pick! Thank you for the opportunity to be featured on here. Such great picks always. Also I love the idea of talking about stories, sounds dope.
Thanks for the mention and for all your hard work!
Thank you so much! This was amazing! I had started some of the suggestions in the comment so I definitely recognize a few of those. Everything I've read so far has been so good!